Five Steps towards Goal Setting

Hello there, this is Sudeshna, a “Business Visionary Coach” helping you to reach your goals and your true potential.

We are almost at the end of 2021 and 2022 is knocking at the door. It is the right time to act, to set up your goal for 2022. Let’s aim for the sky, choose a goal that will take you to new level, a new height.

Research shows that 98% of entrepreneurs never achieve their goals. Do you want to be part of the 2%?

In this short goalsetting program, I’m going to help you understand what goals are, how you can set your goals and most importantly how do you make sure you achieve them.

Before we jump into setting goals, let us understand another term which is close to everyone’s heart, “Success”. What is success? How do you define Success? First thing to remember here is, what does success mean to you and you alone? For this moment, please forget what your parents want, what your spouse wants or what your friends want. What is most important here is what do you want?  What is your vision? What is the big goal that you want to achieve?

Even though the term “Success” is very subjective, but this would be the foundation of your whole Goal setting exercise. To some, success mean more money, to some more fame and to some it could be peace of mind. However, you define success yourself, as I mentioned earlier it is all about your definition. Here is something I would like to draw your attention towards, “success is finding that portion of yourself which you never felt existed’. It is going beyond your boundaries. It makes you forget the world; it fulfils you; it transforms you. It takes you towards your life purpose. Every morning you wake up and move towards that “Goal.”

In this series of blogs, I am going to take you through transformative Goal setting, a Goal that transforms you, breaks the ceiling and make you grow beyond your imagination. Ready for the journey, here are the 5 brief steps to take you towards your Goal Setting towards your vision. (To be continued….)

Let’s discuss each step with a series of blogs. I will be discussing first step with you in next week.

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